How to deploy an External PSC 6.5
Hi all,
Today we will discuss about how to deploy an external platform service controller.
Platform Services Controller (PSC) is a part of the VMware vSphere Suite. PSC deals with identity management for administrators and applications that interact with the vSphere platform.
Components that are installed with PSC 6.5
- VMware Appliance Management Service (only in Appliance-based PSC)
- VMware License Service
- VMware Component Manager
- VMware Identity Management Service
- VMware HTTP Reverse Proxy
- VMware Service Control Agent
- VMware Security Token Service
- VMware Common Logging Service
- VMware Syslog Health Service
- VMware Authentication Framework
- VMware Certificate Service
- VMware Directory Service
Supported products/components with which PSC 6.5
- VMware vCenter Server
- VMware vCenter Inventory Services
- VMware vSphere Web Client
- VMware Log Browser
- VMware NSX for vSphere
- VMware Site Recovery Manager
- VMware vCloud Air
- VMware vCloud Director
- VMware vRealize Automation Center
- VMware vRealize Orchestrator
- VMware vSphere Data Protection
- VMware vShield Manager
For more information on PSC Link
We can configure PSC in two ways.
- Embedded platform service controller:-
- External platform service controller:-
In my lab environment I am planning to deploy external PSC with two vCenter server. Tomorrow if I am going with any other VMware solution like NSX or vRealize I am able to use this PSC there.
For deploying external platform service controller, we need to download VCSA installer 6.5.
Once the installer iso download from VMware website, open the iso and select installer application.
Once the vCenter Server Appliance installer application opens, select install option.
Click Next to continue Stage 1 appliance department.
Accept the end user license agreement and click Next to continue:-
In the deployment type, select “Platform Service Controller” option and click Next to continue:-
Provide deployment target for new PSC appliance.
ESXi host:
HTTPS port: 443
User name: root
Click Next to continue:-
Click Yes for SSL certificate warning.
Provide VM name and root password for newly building PSC.
VM Name: PSC01
Root password: ******
Confirm root password: ******
Click Next to continue:-
Select any available storage for appliance department.
I am selecting my NFS storage and enabling Thin disk mode.
In production environment you should go with thick disk mode otherwise it may create performance issues.
Click Next to continue:-
Provide all required network details.
Network: VM Network
IP version: IPv4
IP assignment: static
System name: psc01.vgyan.local (entry should be there in DNS Server)
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:
DNS server:
Verify all provided details and click Next to continue:-
Verify all the details and click Finish for completing stage 1 deployment.
Stage 1 deployment started.
Stage 1 appliance department is completed, now we need to setup new external platform service controller.
Click continue for stage 2 setup platform service controller appliance.
Below screenshot shows newly deployed PSC01 VM on top of esxi host.
Click next to start stage 2 setup.
In the appliance configuration select time synchronization mode with NTP.
Provide the NTP server details.
I am enabling SSH access as well.
Click Next to continue:-
In the SSO configuration we have two options.
- Create a new SSO domain
- Join an existing SSO domain
I am going to deploy a new PSC in my lab environment, selected create a new SSO domain option.
SSO domain name: vsphere.vgyan.local
SSO user name: by default it’s Administrator
SSO password: ******
Confirm password: ******
Site name: vGyan-Lab
Click Next to continue:-
I am going to join VMware’s customer experience improvement program it will help to improve the product.
Review all the details and click Finish to complete stage 2 setup.
Stage 2 setup is completed, close the installer.
Below screenshot shows, now the external PSC VM is completely configured.
To access the PSC appliance management, go to https://FQDN or IP:5480
For PSC management client, go to https://FQDN or IP:443
Now I am in my platform service controller websso page.
If you want to go for platform service controller documentation area click on Platform Service Controller documentation link.
For accessing PSC web instance, click on Platform Service Controller web instance link.
Once the web instance link is open, provide SSO administrator user name and password.
Click on Login icon.
Now we are in the external platform service controller web page.
There are multiple options are available in PSC, will discuss about that later.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Feel free to share this to others if it is worth sharing!!!