Understand Site Recovery Manager Plugin

Hi All,

Today we will discuss what are the options available in the Site Recovery Manager plugin which we use for managing vSphere Replication.

vSphere Replication blog series: “vSphere Replication

Previous blog post: “Deploy vSphere Replication Appliance

Let’s start.

If you used vSphere replication earlier, you may be noticed vSphere replication was having its own plugin and now in the latest version it is added to Site Recovery Manager plugin. There is a couple of new options are available on this HTML based plugin that is always open as a new window.

Please find the below screenshot of the vSphere replication plugin part of an old version.

For accessing the new site recovery manager plugin, you have to navigate from the vSphere client main menu > Select Site Recovery option.

In site recovery, you will be able to find two hyperlinks, Configure option takes you to the vami page of the vSphere replication appliance and the Open site recovery option will take you to the Site recovery manager page and this will be HTML based.

The below screenshot shows the site recovery manager HTML page, there are multiple options available, let’s discuss on that.

Currently, I have not added any secondary site for DR. So we can use replication only with in the same vCenter. In upcoming blogs, we will discuss more on this.

Click on the “View Details” option.

Now we will be able to see site-related information.

  1. Summary – It will provide an overview of the selected data center.

2. Replication Servers – It will provide information about connected replication servers.

Replications tab will provide you information about active replications and it will provide you an option for adding new servers under vSphere replication.

In this post, we discussed only about Site Recovery manager plugin, we will discuss more on features in an upcoming post, we have to use all the options for enabling DR with vSphere replication.

That’s all guys.. will discuss more on vSphere Replication in an upcoming post,  stay tuned… ????

Next blog post will be “Deploy Add-On Replication Appliance

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vSphere Replication,

Last Update: November 23, 2019